We love that Wet-it Cloths are environmentally friendly and so versatile!  Each cloth lasts at least 6 months!  Of course, these cloths make great alternatives to paper towels and sponges, but there is so much more they can do!  We created a list of 10 less obvious ways you can use your wet-it cloth throughout your day.

10 less obvious uses for your Wet-it:

  1. Clean stainless steel appliances and mirrors for a lint free clean!
  2. Use under a bowl or dish for slip resistance
  3. Lay washed veggies or fruit on to dry
  4. Use as a spoon rest while cooking
  5. Keep handy during a messy baby mealtime
  6. Polish silver
  7. Wash your car
  8. Use as a washcloth in the shower
  9. Wet and freeze as a teething toy for babies
  10. Bring as the perfect hostess gift!


Click here to shop our Wet-it collection!


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