Bridgewater Candle Company makes The Posh’s favorite scent, Sweet Grace. We always have one burning to keep the store smelling lovely, it’s our signature scent! Bridgewater Candle’s mission goes beyond just making candles, that’s why this week we wanted to highlight what makes them so special!

Besides making amazing candles, they’re helping provide meals to children across the globe. With the help of their partner, Rice Bowls, they provide food for children in orphanages in Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, and many more. For every candle purchased, 3 meals are provided! Since 2010, they’ve help provide over 8 million meals! Not only do the children get the food they need, but this allows the orphanage directors to better focus on nurturing, protecting, instructing, and loving the children that are in their care.

The Posh Pineapple About Bridgewater Candles blog post children The Posh Pineapple About Bridgewater Candles blog post info

We love companies that give back! That’s why we continue to carry Bridgewater Candles and burn our Sweet Grace every day. Next time you’re in check out our collection or see them on our website! We just restocked! Click here.

We hope you all have a lovely week! Thanks for keeping up with our blog. Keep in touch, we’ll be posting an update on our Posh Addition soon!! As always, have a Posh day!


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