Megan grins from ear to ear with the announcement of her 2nd little boy! Hello Everyone! Since the day we learned Megan was pregnant, the Poshettes have been beaming with excitement! She had morning sickness, lost her interest in coffee and stopped eating our Posh large bag (actually very large bag, the biggest you can get!) of M&M's we keep in the back. We have all had fun guessing if it's a boy or girl. I honestly thought that we had a little girl on the way, but it seems I was wrong. It's a boy!

Megan's 5 year old Miles is excited to be a big brother. One of my favorite stories so far is when Miles heard his mother on the phone saying he was "very excited about the baby", he told her, "Mom, I'm just a little excited...'not very excited'!". Miles is such an adorable, sweet little boy. I always love hearing about his 5 year old "stories".

It's hard to believe, but Megan is almost to the half way point! It's been fun watching her grow and we can't wait to welcome this new little bundle of joy into The Posh Pineapple family.

Stop in this week and say hello! I hope you all have a joyful week,

PS - Have you checked out our website lately? Shop til you drop, click here!


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